Privacy Policy

We deeply value the trust you place in us, underscoring our unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards for secure transactions and customer information privacy. Please review the following statement to understand our information gathering and dissemination practices.

Kindly note that our privacy policy may undergo changes without prior notice. We recommend periodically reviewing this policy to stay informed about any updates.

Upon visiting our website, your agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy is implied. If you disagree, kindly refrain from using or accessing our website.

By using the website, you explicitly consent to our utilization and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This policy is integrated into and subject to the Terms of Use.

  1. Collection of Personally Identifiable Information and Other Information

When you engage with our website, we collect and securely store the personal information you provide. Our primary goal is to ensure a safe, efficient, and tailored experience. This enables us to offer services and features aligning with your preferences and customize the website for a safer and more convenient experience. Your provided personal information is essential to achieving this objective.

Generally, you can navigate the website without revealing personal information. Upon providing your details, you are no longer anonymous to us. We highlight required and optional fields where possible, offering you the choice of providing information. We may automatically track certain information based on your behavior on the site to conduct internal research on user demographics, interests, and behavior. This data is aggregated, analyzing factors such as the URL you came from, your browsing activity, and your IP address.

We utilize data collection tools such as "cookies" on specific web pages to analyze webpage flow and improve service provision. Cookies enhance your browsing experience, allowing certain features to function more efficiently. We also use cookies to tailor information to your interests. Most cookies are "session cookies" and are automatically deleted from your device at the end of your session. You have the option to decline cookies, although this might limit your access to certain website features.

Additionally, while on specific web pages, you may encounter cookies or similar devices placed by third parties. Please note that we do not control the use of cookies by third parties.

If you make purchases on the website, we collect information about your buying behavior. In cases of transactions, we gather additional details, such as billing address, payment instrument information, and tracking details.

If you choose to post messages or leave feedback, the information you provide in these interactions is collected and retained as required for dispute resolution and customer support.

When you send personal correspondence or if third parties share information about your activities on the website, we may collect and store this information.

Upon creating a free account, we collect personally identifiable information (such as email address, name, phone number, payment details). Although some sections of the website can be browsed without registration, specific activities, like placing orders, necessitate registration. We may use your contact information to send offers based on your interests and past orders.

  1. Use of Demographic/Profile Data/Your Information

Personal information is used to fulfill the services you request. Should we use your personal information for marketing purposes, we will provide an option to opt-out. This data is also utilized for dispute resolution, problem-solving, service safety, customer communication, and to safeguard against errors, fraud, and unlawful activities. Furthermore, demographic and profile data about users' activities on the website is collected and analyzed to improve product and service offerings.

Your IP address is used to diagnose server problems and administer the website. Additionally, you may be requested to complete online surveys, helping us tailor your experience on the website to your preferences.

  1. Sharing of Personal Information

We may share personal information with our corporate entities and affiliates for purposes such as preventing identity theft, fraud, and abuse of our services, and to provide joint or co-branded services. However, these entities and affiliates cannot market to you unless you explicitly opt-in. Disclosure of personal information may occur if required by law or in response to legal processes.

  1. Security Precautions

Our website implements stringent security measures to safeguard against unauthorized access, loss, or alteration of information under our control. We employ secure servers for account information access and uphold strict security guidelines.

  1. Choice/Opt-Out

We offer users the option to opt-out of receiving non-essential communications after setting up an account.

  1. Your Consent

By using the website or providing information, you consent to the collection and use of your disclosed information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Any updates or changes to this policy will be communicated on this page.

For additional information, please contact us at

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